Cerner Jobs in the NHS

Expertise in Cerner systems can be incredibly valuable for your career prospects, and one of the best places to make the most of that is through the National Health Service. Implementing patient record systems in an active hospital is a job too important to handle badly, and so there will always be demand for skilled professionals to fill the many Cerner jobs in the NHS.

Applying for Cerner Jobs in the NHS
At the time of writing, not every NHS trust uses Cerner – but the number is growing. Each transition is its own challenge, especially as the hospitals involved must be able to continue as usual throughout. The Cerner system must be set up, configured, and tested, then the existing databases must be brought across and synchronised until it’s possible to use Cerner alone.

The good news for people looking at permanent Cerner jobs is that the market is constantly expanding as more Trusts embrace Cerner. For developers and other contract workers, it can be a little more challenging.

And in both cases, it’s important to know which Trusts will be in the market for your skills. This part can be just as difficult as the interview itself, if you don’t have the connections yourself. Or you can turn to professional specialist recruiters like the team here at IT Works Health. We’ve already built our network of connections, and we have a positive reputation that makes us the first place many NHS hiring managers turn to.

What we want to be able to do is match the perfect candidate to the perfect role. That way client and candidate are both happy and there’s a real likelihood we’ll be able to work with both of you going forward.

So if you want to know the best way to find Cerner jobs in the NHS, we recommend you contact us today.

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