NHS Digital Transformation: 5 Key Steps for a Successful Floor Walking Programme

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One of the biggest parts of digital transformation?

The rollout of new tech.

With the implementation of systems such as Electronic Patient Record (EPR) systems like Cerner and RiO, digital is leading the way in helping Trust’s to manage their patient data more efficiently - ultimately allowing them to deliver better patient care.

But as exciting as this digital shift is, it comes with its own set of challenges—especially when it comes to making sure everyone knows how to use these new systems.

That’s where a well-planned floor walking programme comes in.

With insights from leading Digital Transformation Specialist, Christine Dorman, we’ll outline 5 ways to help NHS Trusts get the most out of their floor walking teams during a digital health transformation project.


1. Get Floorwalkers Involved Early


Let’s start with the first tip: bring your floor walkers into the loop as early as possible.

These are the people who will be on the ground, helping staff adjust to the new EPR system, so it makes sense to get them involved right from the beginning. Early engagement means they’ll have time to get familiar with the Trust’s environment, learn about the areas that will need extra support, and understand the workflows that will be rolled out.

By getting them involved early, you’re setting them up for success. They can work closely with the training coordinators and other teams to get a clear picture of the project’s goals. This early integration is key to delivering effective IT support when the new system goes live.


2. Tailor the Programme to Your Trust’s Needs

Next up is localisation—this is where you make sure your floor walking programme is customised to fit your Trust’s specific needs. 

During this stage, floor walkers should get a deep dive into the particular workflows and IT setups of the Trust. It’s also a good idea to group floor walkers by their specialisms, whether that’s inpatient, outpatient, or admin support. This way, each department gets the focused help it needs.

Part of this tailoring process involves on-site visits. Floor walkers should spend time in the hospital, getting to know the layout, equipment, and staff. The more familiar they are with the environment, the better they’ll be at providing targeted support when the EPR system is live.


3. Provide Specialised Training


Training is the backbone of any successful floor walking programme.

Floor walkers need to be well-prepped to assist staff during the EPR system rollout. This means giving them training that’s specific to their area of focus, whether that’s inpatient services, outpatient services, or administration. They should have a solid understanding of the new workflows and how the system functions.

It’s also important to go beyond just the technical detail.

Floor walkers should be clued up on the broader changes that the digital transformation will bring. When they understand why these changes are happening, they can better explain them to NHS staff, making the whole process smoother for everyone involved.


4. Leverage EPR System Experience


While it’s great if your floor walkers already know the EPR system you’re implementing, it’s not the end of the world if they don’t. What really matters is their understanding of the workflows and the language used in healthcare. Floor walkers who know the ins and outs of the sector can quickly pick up on different EPR systems, making them valuable assets to your IT support team.

The key is to ensure that they grasp the current and future states of the workflows. This knowledge helps them navigate the new system effectively, providing the support that NHS staff need to adapt to the changes.


5. Keep the Support Flowing After Go-Live


Finally, once your floor walking team is in place and familiar with the Trust, ongoing support is crucial to keep things running smoothly. Clear, consistent communication is essential. Floor walkers should be kept in the loop about any issues or updates that pop up after the system goes live.

Regular briefings are a must, especially if you have night shifts. These briefings should cover any new developments, common issues, and tips for getting the most out of the system. By keeping your floor walkers well-informed, you’ll ensure that IT support stays strong throughout the digital transformation.


Making A Last Impact on Patient Care

The digital transformation of the NHS is no small feat, but with the right strategies, it can lead to significant improvements in patient care and how things run day-to-day. Floor walking teams are a vital part of this journey, providing the hands-on IT support that healthcare staff need to get comfortable with new EPR systems.

As the NHS continues to embrace digital health technologies, the role of floor walkers remains crucial. Their support helps bridge the gap between new systems and the people who use them, ultimately leading to better outcomes for patients and staff alike.


Connecting Experts

From singular skillsets to full floorwalker project teams, we deliver pre- to post-go-live project support helping embed the right system specialists into your digital transformation.

Our NHS CCS frameworks support direct contact with suppliers enabling us to provide agile recruitment, reduce time to hire, and provide audited compliance assurance.

Book in a chat with one our experts to find out how we can best support you and your Trust in your digital journey.

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